The Valentine's Day Bouquet
The Sub Rosa Valentine’s Day Bouquet will designed by our resident queer florist and feature all of the most beautiful & evocative stems. From CA-grown roses, to shimmering sweet peas and sexy anthuriums— you won’t be disappointed. You can choose from three different sizes:
Posey (one dozen stems)
Grand (one and a half dozen stems)
Deluxe (two dozen stems)
We will offer three distinct color palettes this year: pink tones, red tones, or our “avant garde” offering for folks who would like something a bit unique and out of the ordinary!
Valentine’s Day Flowers will be available for pick up during the following days & times:
Thursday, 2/13, between 5pm & 10pm at Sub Rosa (33B West St. Northampton)
Friday, 2/14, between 5pm-10pm at Sub Rosa
Saturday, 2/15, between 5pm & 10pm at Sub Rosa
Please note that due to seasonality and other factors out of our control, arrangements may not look exactly as pictured. Photos are used to communicate the general style of our designs, as well as anticipated color palettes. Sub Rosa reserves the right to substitute like blooms, colors, and vessels if shortages arise.
The Sub Rosa Valentine’s Day Bouquet will designed by our resident queer florist and feature all of the most beautiful & evocative stems. From CA-grown roses, to shimmering sweet peas and sexy anthuriums— you won’t be disappointed. You can choose from three different sizes:
Posey (one dozen stems)
Grand (one and a half dozen stems)
Deluxe (two dozen stems)
We will offer three distinct color palettes this year: pink tones, red tones, or our “avant garde” offering for folks who would like something a bit unique and out of the ordinary!
Valentine’s Day Flowers will be available for pick up during the following days & times:
Thursday, 2/13, between 5pm & 10pm at Sub Rosa (33B West St. Northampton)
Friday, 2/14, between 5pm-10pm at Sub Rosa
Saturday, 2/15, between 5pm & 10pm at Sub Rosa
Please note that due to seasonality and other factors out of our control, arrangements may not look exactly as pictured. Photos are used to communicate the general style of our designs, as well as anticipated color palettes. Sub Rosa reserves the right to substitute like blooms, colors, and vessels if shortages arise.
The Sub Rosa Valentine’s Day Bouquet will designed by our resident queer florist and feature all of the most beautiful & evocative stems. From CA-grown roses, to shimmering sweet peas and sexy anthuriums— you won’t be disappointed. You can choose from three different sizes:
Posey (one dozen stems)
Grand (one and a half dozen stems)
Deluxe (two dozen stems)
We will offer three distinct color palettes this year: pink tones, red tones, or our “avant garde” offering for folks who would like something a bit unique and out of the ordinary!
Valentine’s Day Flowers will be available for pick up during the following days & times:
Thursday, 2/13, between 5pm & 10pm at Sub Rosa (33B West St. Northampton)
Friday, 2/14, between 5pm-10pm at Sub Rosa
Saturday, 2/15, between 5pm & 10pm at Sub Rosa
Please note that due to seasonality and other factors out of our control, arrangements may not look exactly as pictured. Photos are used to communicate the general style of our designs, as well as anticipated color palettes. Sub Rosa reserves the right to substitute like blooms, colors, and vessels if shortages arise.